Learn The Craft Of Hit Music






Riff Writer is a study of what has been used for centuries to create songs that people want to hear.., as opposed to what most people have no interest in listening to. What makes a hit is no mystery and has been the same formula from Beethoven to the Beatles. You've already got it in you. Now we're going to get it out. Your ideas are great so be true to them.
Riffs will be studied in two different ways. 1. Lead guitar improvisation with emphasis on melody, clarity,and dynamics. 2. Riffs as they apply to repetitive hooks in pop song study. To dive in deeper you can sign up for "RIFF WRITER".
What is Riff Writer?
What you will study.
What you will learn.
Whether it's guitar, bass, piano, drums or vocals.., Riff Writer shows you the mechanics of how Riffs work so you can start creating killer, lasting, memorable, riffs for your songs today!
What's your favorite rock riff?
Riff Writer at StratAcademy Riff Writer at StratAcademy Riff Writer at StratAcademy Riff Writer at StratAcademy Riff Writer at StratAcademy

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$169 Per Month

Open Tues -Sat 10 AM to 6:30 PM

 Lesson Policy

2502 Southern Blvd. SE Rio Rancho, NM 87124